1. Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton is one of the most popular female political figures in the United States. She is known for being an advocate for gender equality, children and families, and healthcare.
During her presidential campaign in 2016, she stated both on a radio interview and on a talk show that she wants to review files about UFOs and other mysteries, whether they’re true or not, that occur at the Are 51 site in Nevada and make them public, so the whole country can know about them.
Area 51 is located in the Nevada desert, approximately 80 miles northwest of Las Vegas and it’s one of the most secret military bases in the United States. This place has been the site of many stealth military programs and there are many conspiracies that say this site is actually a place where scientists can work with the technology from UFO crashes.
2. Gillian Anderson
The second celebrity on our list is Gillian Anderson, known for acting in shows such as “Hannibal” and “The X-Files”, where she played FBI Special Agent Dana Scully. Given the fact that she spent nine seasons looking for paranormal things on the small screen, can we ask her if she actually believes in aliens?
During an interview with The Guardian, she stated that she believes that we are not the only planet full of living beings in the Universe, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that she is an alien believer.
Moreover, the actress said that it might be true that extraterrestrials exist, but it also might be true that they’re only a myth.
…Which side are you on? Tell us in the comments down below!
3. Khloé Kardashian
Even though it is pretty hard to keep up with all the Kardashians, there are quite a few things they say that we can’t forget. When it comes to UFOs and aliens, there’s at least one family member that is crazy about it.
In 2015, Khloé Kardashian saw some weird lights in the sky and posted on her Twitter account that her sister Kendall and she were “spazzing out!!!!!! #UFO”. Shortly after, the U.S. Navy made a statement and said that those lights were actually a part of a pre-planned missile test.
However, it seemed like Khlomoney preferred her own version because she said that “I’m such a conspiracy theorist, let me enjoy this”.