Photo by gpointstudio / Envato Elements

Not saying when the compensation isn’t fair

Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ to a task or speak when you think that your work isn’t getting paid enough. One of your goals is to make money, so you should receive as much as you think is enough for the work you put in. 

“When I was around 13, I started to work as a babysitter. Because I come from a large family full of girls (six of us, all very close in age) we’d get calls from local families all the time,” Sandberg says. 

“Some were reluctant to pay, though. I was stiffed on a number of occasions or they would say things like, “well you’re so young – how about $x?” which would be a fraction of the going rate. I was scared to speak up or say no. Today, many years later, I think about that and have no trouble pursuing payment or turning down work where the compensation isn’t fair,” Sandberg said.

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