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Self-service restaurants or food without packaging will be banned

As you probably know, unpacked food from self-service restaurants, buffets, salad bars or free snacks offered at restaurants or coffee shops should be avoided. The food must be packaged or consumed individually, because otherwise you may be infected by various viruses including coronavirus. 

To be more specific, your personal hygiene is different from that of another individual, because if you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds each time, other people probably do not do this even after using the toilet, so this is why you should not share the same plate of food or a bag of chips with someone else.

“You may also likely notice avoidance of buffets and salad bars to avoid picking up germs from serving spoons,” Dr. Okeke-Igbokwe explains. “There [also] will be a greater focus on purchasing ingredients to prepare your own meals as hygienically as possible at home.”

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