Photo by NomadSoul1 From Envato

3. The Black Death

Bubonic Plague would be responsible again during an outbreak from 1346 to 1353, this time claiming the lives of an estimated 75 million, possibly as many as 200 million as it cut a path of destruction across three continents, Europe, Africa and Asia, where the outbreak was believed to have originated.

The plague was likely spread by fleas living on rats that boarded ships which were sailed to ports across the world.

4. The Third Cholera Pandemic

Of the seven cholera pandemics, the third outbreak from 1852 to 1860 was generally considered the most deadly as it took 1 million people with it. The previous pandemics, like this one, originated from India spreading from the Ganges River Delta before making its way across Asia, Europe, North America and Africa.

British physician John Snow, while working in a poor area of London, tracked cases of cholera and eventually succeeded in identifying contaminated water as the means of transmission for the disease.

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3 thoughts on “10 Deadly Pandemics From History”

  1. We have a pandemic in the white house that needs to go quickly the sooner the better mushroom dick head lying Chump. Kills me how you American always talk unity. Unity to Americans means divided

  2. Ernest L. Mumford

    It amazes me that the MSM makes such a political thing of the virus of today, COVID-19. the other pandemics from the past make it look insignificant in comparison. It makes me wonder if it is just another point used to create problems in the US election for 2020. I read an article that said that 200,000 people have died, but only 6% were actually from the virus. Others were from other aliments like heart trouble, auto wrecks, old age, things like that. I would like to know if people were paid to write these deaths off and attribute them to the virus.

    1. I agree with you! The media only spreads the news the way they want to to sell newspapers and I believe many of them have no knowledge of past pabdemics! The election has a lot I do with bad reporting and it’s a shame many people fall for their lies which are not backed by true facts! I only pray that when this election is over there will be a more peaceful America so ‘re government can get back to doing what they were elected to do and back the President in his office!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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