Stress can lead to depression
The connection between stress and depression “is sometimes tough to tease out which is the chicken and which is the egg. But there’s clearly a strong link,” said Geyer. So, if you want to be healthy you should know the psychological mechanisms between stress and depression.
“Stress, or being stressed out, leads to behaviors and patterns that in turn can lead to a chronic stress burden and increase the risk of major depression,” said Bruce McEwen author of The End of Stress as We Know It.
The truth is that stressed people forget to enjoy their lives and focus more on their problems and this can usually lead to depression. For instance, if you are stressed out about what happens all over the world because of the coronavirus pandemic, you tend to focus more on the cases in which people die and not on those who recover or you start to imagine grotesque scenarios that make you sad.
So, try to focus more on things that make you happy even though you have to stay home… read a book, call a friend or simply watch a movie.