1. Coco ChanelÂ
Even though she is no longer with us, Coco Chanel is considered to be one of the most influential women in the world. She is the one who revolutionized the way women dress, due to the fact that she didn’t like wearing corsets and uncomfortable clothing.
She lived in one of the rooms in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Paris, France. She called her hotel room “home” for over 30 years and she used to spray it every day with one of her most popular perfumes: Chanel No. 5.
One day, she decided that it was time to move her body, so she went out for a walk. She didn’t feel good, so she turned back to her “apartment”, as she used to call her room. The next morning, on January 10th, 1971, she was found dead by her housekeeper.
She died due to natural causes and left knowing that she created a business that is the dream of everyone who is passionate about fashion.
2. Whitney HoustonÂ
Whitney Houston is one of the most appreciated and popular singers of all time. She was extremely talented, which made her fans and friends call her “The Voice”.
She is considered to be one of the best-selling recording artists that ever existed, with sales of more than 200 million records all over the world. On February 11th, 2012, when she was only 48 years old, she decided that living was too much for her, so she decided to take her own life.
She was found dead in the bathtub of her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. According to the coroner’s report, the cause of death was drowning, but there are several toxicology reports which revealed that the singer had drugs in her system.
Three years after Whitney’s death, her daughter, Bobby Kristina Brown, was found deceased in a bathtub full of water, just like her mother.