JERRYE AND ROY KLOTZ MD, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

5. The Griswold Inn

Located in Essex, Connecticut, it was established in 1776 and they serve mostly traditional American food.

It was opened by three brothers from the Griswold family and the inn hasn’t been closed one day since the opening.

It’s also popular for its historic involvement in the War of 1812, having been captured by British Troops.

Also, it’s the largest collector of the paintings of Antonio Jacobsen, an amazing painter of maritime art.

Besides paintings it also holds a collection of rare guns.

Fun fact: To keep an old school sensation in the place, there are no TVs, but they do play only classical music.

The food in this next place is revolutionary…..

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2 thoughts on “8 Oldest Restaurants In America”

  1. Lucky enough to have been to 3. Would personally also add Beechman arms if Rhinebeck NY to the list though the inn itself, like the wayside Inn in MA are mire spectacular tan even the wonderful food.

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