7. White Horse Tavern
In Newport, Rhode Island, you can find the oldest restaurant in the country which is the White Horse Tavern. It’s also the 10th oldest active restaurant in the world.
It has been active since the 1600s. A few decades ago it has been recognized as a National Historic Landmark. Until this day it had 9 owners since it was opened centuries ago.
Over the years it has been neglected it was close to being demolished. Nowadays, the restaurant is a time capsule, with a really good ambiance, where you can enjoy really tasty food and have a good time.
This next restaurant will make you feel like you’re on TV…..
2 thoughts on “8 Oldest Restaurants In America”
WOW – this is fascinating. Keeping on my ‘travel bucket list’ emails.
Lucky enough to have been to 3. Would personally also add Beechman arms if Rhinebeck NY to the list though the inn itself, like the wayside Inn in MA are mire spectacular tan even the wonderful food.