Photo by Rido / Shutterstock

Exercise at home to boost your immune system

Whether we talk about sick people who have to stay at home or individuals who decided this willingly, you have to change your routine and exercise at home. Not only will physical exercise boost your immune system, but in this way, you will be happier and more relaxed. So, even if you are sick it does not mean that you have to stay in bed all day and complain. You have to be strong and fight against the disease because our behavior can also improve our immune system, not just medicines. 

So, you can exercise with what you already have at home or you can buy some dumbbells, elastic bands, medicine balls, yoga mats or other equipment that you need to be active while staying indoor.

However, it is essential to take care of your mental health as well, especially during the pandemic when everybody is panicked. So it is important to keep your spirits up during those times. 

 “When a disease outbreak [like COVID-19] occurs, people tend to panic due to the fear of the unknown and deeply unsettling lack of control they experience. The constant news cycle, misinformation and bombardment of fearful messages on social media at this time seems to have people especially panicked,” says Haley Neidich, a licensed psychotherapist.

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