Look for quality, not quantity
When you are going shopping, one of the most important steps is to look for quality over quantity.
If you buy a lot of lower quality items, they will certainly deteriorate over time requiring you to replace them. Costing you more money in the long run. The term ‘you pay for what you get’ definitely applies in this case.
So with that in mind, try to purchase quality products so that, through their higher quality craftsmanship, they will more likely withstand the test of time. This is the reason why many rich people regardless of how many clothes they have, get more longevity out of their fashion choices because they choose quality.
So, rather than spending your money on poor quality fast food every day, it is better to go once a week to a restaurant. You can apply this simple rule to anything.
“Nicer items and experiences last longer – and they’re more cost-effective overall,” said Zina Kumok of the blog Conscious Coins.