Limit alcohol consumption
There are some doctors who recommend drinking a small amount of alcohol once or twice a week, but if you drink too much, you risk affecting your overall health. As you probably know, alcohol is metabolized in your liver as an ‘acetaldehyde’, which is actually a cancer causing chemical.
That being said, this type of chemical is a toxin and your liver will try to eliminate from your body. However, if you drink too much alcohol, your liver can’t remove these chemicals, as its functions will diminish over time, leading to more health complications in the long run. So, if you want to help your body with detox, then try to limit or avoid alcohol as much as possible.

Get more quality sleep
If you want to help detoxify your body, then you should definitely get more adequate and quality sleep each night. Don’t forget that sleep deprivation could lead to serious health problems. However, there’s a vicious cycle, because you need to get more quality sleep to help your body with detox, but at the same time, when you can’t sleep or feel tired all the time, it may be a sign that your body needs to detoxify and can’t do this by itself. So, to be more specific, you need to pay more attention to your physical needs and listen to your body signals.
According to health experts, when you sleep, your body removes toxins that have accumulated throughout the day. For example, during sleep, your body will eliminate a toxin called beta-amyloid, which is responsible for causing the Alzheimer’s disease.