We must recognize that each country has its own culture, traditions, and customs. In addition, it’s important to understand that what may be strange in a certain society, may end up being promoted in other communities, and that’s absolutely normal. This principle applies in many areas, from beauty standards, wedding rituals, various other traditions, holidays to laws.
However, let’s talk about the United States of America, namely about some state laws that are considered funny even by the native people who live here. Of course, there are some crazy laws that could have made sense when they were written, but today they confuse people, making them wonder why authorities actually created them in the first place.
For instance, in Arizona, it is illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub – so, you are probably wondering why such a law was necessary? Has any donkey ever slept in a bathtub and caused some injury or what is the meaning behind such a law? Well, I guess we will never know the real answer.
Yet, the truth is that many of these laws may no longer be enforced today, even though some of them still exist on the books of their respective states. So, are you ready to get your dose of laughter for today? Read on to discover the most absurd laws from around the United States!