Driving blindfolded
- Where: Alabama
There are some actions that simply shouldn’t be done and every mentally healthy person knows that it is quite dangerous to do certain things, such as driving blindfolded. I mean, who needs a law to remind them that you can’t do such a thing?! The question is: are the people of Alabama jealous of other people from various countries who don’t have this type of law? Maybe the movie Bird Box is inspired by this law?

Keeping your dog in the back of an open vehicle, unless its tail is less than 46 inches
- Where: Alaska
Name it canine racism or something else, but in Alaska, it is illegal to keep your dog in the back of an open vehicle. We all know that there are dogs that love to feel the cool breeze of the open road, right? Unfortunately, you can’t help your dog enjoy this feeling if you visit this state. However, according to authorities, this law was created after someone reported that a puppy was nothing more than a public nuisance.