Winter is finally here and in addition to the fact that you have to prepare your warm gloves, scarf and boots, you also have to pay more attention to your inner side in order to be healthy, namely to take care of your lifestyle as well.
According to health experts, as the seasons change, so does the way you manage your diabetes. So, to be more specific, during the winter, people tend to eat more consistent and fatty food which can lead to increased blood sugar and high cholesterol, also, you won’t find fruits and veggies that have been recommended for your disease so you need to find other alternatives, and not to mention that people won’t exercise that much. All of these factors can make your condition worse.
According to a study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, published as the National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2020, 34.2 million Americans — just over 1 in 10 — have diabetes and 88 million American adults — approx. 1 in 3— have prediabetes. That being said, this disease is very common not only in our country but in other parts of the world as well, which makes diabetes one of the most common chronic diseases out there.
To prevent complications, it is important to keep everything under control and take care of your health by improving your diet, physical condition and lifestyle. Â So, here are some tips on how to keep your diabetes under control this winter. Read on for more info!