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If you do not sleep well it means that you may be stressed

Many studies have shown the fact that chronic stress can actually affect the quality of your sleep. According to a survey made by the American Psychological Association, there are many Americans who say they do not sleep well because they are stressed. 

So, it is a well known fact that stress causes insomnia, but if you do not sleep many consecutive nights for various reasons – whether you watch movies all night long or chat with your friends on social media – you must know that you are at risk of major illness, especially because insomnia causes stress. Thus, it is a reciprocal relationship between stress and insomnia in which one affects the other.

“You can get into a vicious cycle,” Cindy Geyer, the medical director at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, Massachusetts. “If you’re stressed and you can’t turn off your worries and your anxieties, you can’t get to sleep, or you wake up more, or you look at the clock and you can’t get back to sleep.”

Sleep deprivation can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes. So, do not forget that stress causes insomnia and sleep deprivation causes stress. In addition, if you want to improve the quality of your sleep you can exercise every day for at least thirty

“Sleep is necessary for us to function at our best, and if we do not get adequate quantity and quality of sleep, our performance and our functioning is not going to be satisfactory. If we don’t get adequate sleep, our mood is going to be more depressed, we’re not going to be as sharp cognitively, our thinking is not going to be as alert. And with lack of sleep, there are long-term potential consequences and changes in our health: our immune system is not going to function as well if we do not get adequate sleep, and we’re going to have a tendency to put on weight,” said Dr. William Kohler, medical director of the Florida Sleep Institute.

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