Stress can affect your hormones as well
As I said before when you are stressed your hormones will change but not in a good way. For instance, the levels of cortisol and adrenaline will increase significantly or the hunger hormone and those that regulate your menstruation will change as well and of course, this could adversely affect your health.
In addition, it is very important for women to know that their menstruation cycle can become irregular or stop if they are struggling with stress episodes. “There’s an evolutionary mechanism behind this because if you’re stressed, it’s not the optimal time to have a baby and be fertile,” said Geyer.
Nonetheless, it is not only women who suffer, but also men. Medical experts say that men who struggle with stress episodes will notice changes in their secretions. Testosterone, also known as the ‘male hormone’ is also affected when you are stressed. So, when you feel exhausted or have a low libido, it means that your testosterone suffers some changes because of stress.
“When patients come to me for hormonal imbalance, the root cause is usually too much cortisol or stress hormone,” said Dr. Jane Oh, an OB-GYN in Illinois. “Then downstream – every other hormone in our bodies is affected, including love hormones and thyroid.”
Once your hormones are changed, your health will be adversely affected, so that is why you should find out your stressors and take care of yourself. Unfortunately, as you already know, stress can have a lot of emotional and physical effects on your body, but if you discover that you are struggling with stress you will be more likely to change the situation and find peace of mind.
In conclusion, if you are stressed your hormones, such as adrenaline, cortisol, thyroid, insulin, progesterone, estrogen and testosterone, will modify significantly and your health will be adversely affected.