3. Johnny Depp
After he and actress Amber Heard divorced in 2016, due to a complicated relationship, Johnny Depp found a new toxic love: alcohol. He started to drink massive quantities, such as vodka every morning and tons of wine. He even managed to spend more than $30,000 on wine alone, but brace yourself: all of this in a month!
Looks like the actor from “Pirates of the Caribbean” realized that this behavior wasn’t good for him and he decided to quit drinking alcohol. According to an interview he gave for Rolling Stone Magazine, Johnny Depp said that for him, alcohol was a form of medication that helped him “calm the circus” in his head.
4. Mel Gibson
The actor Mel Gibson has been battling extreme alcohol consumption throughout his entire adult life. In 2009, he was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. He realized that drinking excessive amounts of booze won’t do anything good to his health and career, so he decided to go to AA meetings and he also checked himself into rehab.
According to the actor, there are only three ways out for people who struggle with alcohol consumption: they either go insane, die or quit. Mel Gibson chose the third option and he has done well so far.
Every addiction that exists, whether it’s alcohol abuse, overeating, overexercising, and the list can go on, can harm your body. Just like with everything else in life, it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about celebrities or ordinary people, we shouldn’t take anything for granted, especially our lives!
Drinking huge amounts of alcohol can cause mental health problems, such as depression and severe anxiety, and also physical problems, such as pancreatitis. At least we can say that we are happy the celebrities above found a way to quit their addiction, even though it took them more time than maybe they would have expected. I think we can all agree with one thing: moderation is key!