Don’t clean your skin with soap
Some medical experts say that soap can cause more damage to your skin than good. The explanation is that soaps contain a higher pH that can dry out your skin and it can lead to skin irritations, acne and other skin problems. Try to talk to a dermatologist and find out your skin needs. Your doctor can help you find a cleansing gel suitable for your skin type.
According to Dr. Mona Gohara, Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Dermatology at Yale School of Medicine, “the biggest problem I see with washing your face is that people use the wrong thing to cleanse—like soaps, which are not good for your skin. They strip the epidermal barrier of its natural proteins and lipids. By soap, I don’t mean a bar, I mean a product with a pH of 13 or higher.”
“The skin has a natural pH of 5.5, so you want a product that’s within that range, like the Dove Beauty Bar, which is the quintessential bar that you can use on your face that’s not a soap. If you’re only going to wash your face once, I would suggest doing it at night. If you can do it twice per day, that’s better.”