Flavored coconut water
Coconut water is actually a healthy beverage that provides you many benefits and keeps your body hydrated, but so is plain water or sports drinks. Coconut water is generally low in calories, free of fat and cholesterol, contains potassium; and online influencers and athletics consider it a miracle drink. But what’s the truth?
Many companies add artificial sweeteners and other syrups to make them more delicious. Of course, it will be flavorful, but unhealthy. So, instead of hydrating your body properly and extracting all these health benefits, you end up drinking more sugar than a natural coconut normally has.
Natural coconut water has a bit of coconut flavor, is slightly sweet and nutty, but has a relatively neutral taste, and also offers many vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. The flavored coconut water that can be found in every supermarket and that has a strong coconut taste and is sweet is actually bad for your overall health.

Many health experts recommend drinking a glass of water with lemon every morning on an empty stomach to improve your metabolism and digestive system, but if you order lemonade when you are hanging out or if you buy from the supermarket, it could cause more issues to your health. In essence, lemonade is beneficial to your health if you drink it in moderation and use only natural ingredients, such as water, lemon, mint and honey.
Commercial lemonades can contain sugar, syrups, and other ingredients to give you a certain flavor, which is actually bad for your silhouette and health. Lemonade that contains natural ingredients is filled with vitamin C, flavonoids and phytochemicals which are good for your health and immune system.
In conclusion, lemonade is healthy if you prepare it at home and skip the sugar.