Photo by Prostock-studio / Envato Elements

Keep in touch with your family and friends 

First of all, you should know that we are social beings by nature and we need to socialize often to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We live in groups and spend our whole life as a part of society, so we need to socialize to evolve. Thus, even though you can’t see your friends these days because of the coronavirus outbreak, you can actually reconnect with them virtually. There are a lot of social media platforms that allow you to see and talk to your beloved friends and family members and all you have to do is simply call them. 

“One of the most complex things we can engage with is another person’s mind,” says Juliana Schroeder, an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley. 

According to psychologist Susan Pinker, we need to communicate with other people because this process “releases a whole cascade of neurotransmitters and, like a vaccine, they protect you now, in the present, and well into the future, so simply […] shaking hands, giving somebody a high-five is enough to release oxytocin, which increases your level of trust, and it lowers your cortisol levels, so it lowers your stress.”

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