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Try to stay hydrated

Drinking enough water is essential for your body to work properly. Hydration can help you improve your cardiovascular health and cleanse your body. 

“Often times, we confuse thirst with hunger. Staying hydrated helps regulate metabolism and keeps our minds alert. If you feel yourself running low on energy during the day, drink a glass of water and make sure that you’re not hungry, ” said Arianne Perry, Certified Health Coach, CEO & Founder of Sweet Defeat.

“Drink water, unsweetened coffee and tea, and sparkling water; sugary drinks are an unnecessary source of calories, and diet soda can trigger cravings.”


Photo by artfotodima / Envato Elements

Be grateful

When was the last time you thanked the Universe for what you have? This is an effective exercise that can help you improve your mental and spiritual health, increasing your happiness level and well-being. 

“We all have things to be grateful for, and studies show that writing down 1-3 things every morning that you’re grateful for can improve your mood, reduce stress, and increase overall happiness,” says Perry.

“We can get so caught up in negative thought patterns, jealousy of others, and dissatisfaction with our lives that we often forget all the things we have to be grateful for: think of a supportive friend, a loving family member, or something you were proud of at work.”

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1 thought on “19 Things Healthy People Do Every Single Day”

  1. Seems like a typo mistake on page 3, in the Exercise regularly section.
    Quoting, “Medical experts recommend regular exercise (at least thirty seconds every day)”.
    Wow, just thirty seconds is all that is needed, amazing news!

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