Photo by Andres Siimon / Unsplash

Try to quit smoking

According to medical experts and many studies, smoking can actually damage every organ in your body, causing even death. More than 480,000 people die every year in the United States because of smoking, reported the American Cancer Society. Many people don’t know this, but cigarettes contain certain substances, such as tar and carbon monoxide, which are harmful to your health, causing severe diseases and worsening existing ones. 

“Joining a smoking cessation program is a great gift to give to yourself. Smoking is a well-known risk factor for multiple chronic diseases. Cutting back or quitting smoking is an excellent way to live a healthier life,” explained Summer Yule, MS, RDN.

We know that this is very difficult for smokers, but at least you can try to limit cigarette smoking.


Photo by NomadSoul1 / Shutterstock

Sort things out

From getting rid of old clothes that you’ll never wear again, throwing away your leftover food to giving up on people that constantly hurt your feelings, these things will help you create new healthy habits that will make you happier and mentally and spiritually healthier. 

“This means [getting rid of] the old acid wash jeans that you will never wear again, as well as the menus from the Chinese food place that went out of business three years ago. The friendships that are no longer working for you and the destructive habits that you know are not serving you. They all need to go. We often dread cleaning house as it seems way worse than it actually is once we get to it,” says Wathen.

“Digging deep and doing the work and having the spaciousness in ourselves and our homes lets in the creativity and possibility that we didn’t see when we were surrounded by the clutter.”

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1 thought on “19 Things Healthy People Do Every Single Day”

  1. Seems like a typo mistake on page 3, in the Exercise regularly section.
    Quoting, “Medical experts recommend regular exercise (at least thirty seconds every day)”.
    Wow, just thirty seconds is all that is needed, amazing news!

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