Accept the help of those who are already doing this
There are a lot of people who practice mindfulness, so you should accept their help. If you don’t have friends who can teach you how to calm and control your mind, you can simply download an app.
There are a lot of apps that can guide and offer you mindfulness sessions, so all you have to do is to find the right one for you. Some of these apps were developed with the help of psychologists and health experts and they have also been subjected to numerous tests as it’s important to work properly for people of all ages.

You should eat mindfully
Mindful eating is a special method that can help you control your eating habits and make you feel better at the same time. When we eat, it’s important to focus on this activity, because this way you avoid binge eating or gain weight. To be more specific, when you are distracted by conversations, TV or phone, you tend to consume more food than you actually need to feel full, without enjoying the texture, taste and smell of your food.
So, all you have to do is to eat slowly without focusing on anything else, stop eating when you feel full  (it takes 20 minutes for your brain to know you’re full, eating healthy and to maintain your desired weight, and of course, don’t forget to appreciate your food.