Stop for a few seconds and concentrate on a current action
Another way to practice mindfulness is to pause between actions and pay attention to your senses. For instance, stop for a few seconds and listen to the sound of the phone ringing before answering, listen to the rain and the birds before getting out of bed. Feel the water that touches your skin in the shower and so on.
The main idea is to pause between certain actions and concentrate on various sensations, because this way you will learn how to enjoy the things in your life and this will also keep you anchored in the present.

Learn to really listen to the people around you
We have to admit that most of the time we don’t really listen to the people around us when they talk to us or confess. In some cases, we only think about what we are going to say next, our own experiences or even judge them.
However, if you want to practice mindfulness, you should learn to listen to what people are truly saying when they are speaking with you, without judging them.

Observe your thoughts
First and foremost, you should understand that it’s perfectly normal and healthy to feel and think about certain things, whether they are positive or negative, but you shouldn’t let them control your life and change your mood. You have to observe and accept them, not being overwhelmed by them.
Once you realize that you are not your thoughts, you will be happier and healthier. One of the most important things that you have to do is to see your thoughts like stories and interpretations and to never believe them. Imagine that your thoughts are a bus, but you prefer to walk… you won’t jump on any bus coming to the station, will you?