Andrei Golovnev, director of the museum who also shared the mesmerizing footage on his Facebook page, captioned it with “a friend of mine said the cycles and whirlpools are paths to a different reality”. This affirmation was enough for some people to talk about alien circles and energy patterns.


Кружение оленей

Вести с полей: визуальные заметки Арктической экспедиции МАЭ РАН (Кунсткамера), рук. А. В. Головнёв.

Gepostet von Кунсткамера. Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого am Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2018


On the other hand, one person said it could be a way to protect the weakest members of the herd from predators—this is totally a realistic answer.

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1 thought on “Reindeer Herds Walking in Circular Patterns for No Reason”

  1. there is a parasite that lodges in the brain similar to a prion that can cause this. the only way to check would be a brain autopsy. The parasite also causes nerve damage and weight loss and ultimately causes death.

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