10. Kansas City

Kansas City.

> Violent crimes per 100,000: 1,417.3

In just a couple of years, the crime rate in Kansas City increased dramatically by more than 25%. Beautiful as it may seem, the city doesn’t exactly offer safety for retirees or other inhabitants.

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9 thoughts on “Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities In The U.S.”

  1. Jerry Saint James

    The common detonator here is, to many Negros in big Cities! It always happens, they move in and start destroying the community!! Just like its done in Africa!!!!!

  2. pineapplefish56

    The USA is ranked as THIRD in in murders throughout the world.
    However, if you discount Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, and New Orleans, the USA drops to fourth from the bottom on the same list. Coincidently these same four cities also have the toughest gun laws in the USA!

    Chicago’s violence in September was especially brutal
    A violent September in Chicago ended with more homicides than any other month this year and the second-most shootings, according to data kept by the Chicago Tribune’s breaking news desk. Though the summer months in Chicago have…

  3. pineapplefish56

    Seventy Five-plus years of the same failed policies and their base remains lockstep with the lefties running the DNC…

    Interesting… Poverty in Our Cities.
    City, State, Percent of People Below the Poverty Level
    1. Detroit, MI – 32.5%
    2. Buffalo, NY – 29.9%
    3. Cincinnati, OH – 27.8%
    4. Cleveland, OH – 27.0%
    5. Miami, FL – 26.9%
    5. St. Louis, MO – 26.8%
    7. El Paso, TX – 26.4%
    8. Milwaukee, WI – 26.2%
    9. Philadelphia, PA – 25.1%
    10. Newark, NJ – 24.2%

    U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 American Community Survey, August 2007

    What do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

    Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) …has not elected a Republican mayor since 1961;
    Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;
    Cincinnati, OH (3rd) …since 1984;
    Cleveland, OH (4th) …since 1989;
    Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican mayor;
    St. Louis, MO (6th) …since 1949;
    El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican mayor;
    Milwaukee, WI (8th) …since 1908;
    Philadelphia, PA (9th) …since 1952;
    Newark, NJ (10th) …since 1907.

    Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

    It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats… yet they are still …POOR

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