Cleaning products
One of the most important things that you have to keep in mind during the pandemic is to keep your home disinfected. Try to clean all the surfaces, such as the toilet, sinks, counters, remote control, door knobs and switches.
“I would absolutely positively ramp up the household cleaning, because this coronavirus is in the same family as SARS and MERS, and SARS was able to live on an inanimate surface or any object for up to one week. It would be very prudent at this point to stock up on disinfecting sprays and wipes, like Lysol,” says Dr. Robyn Gershon, clinical professor of epidemiology at NYU School of Global Public Health.
But if you do not have disinfectants, you can make your own with water and chlorine. But take care when you prepare the solution and use hand protection and protect your eyes.
“Ramping up the wiping down of common surfaces will help protect the household against seasonal infectious agents,” says Gershon. “Once or twice a day of wiping down (or spraying) common surfaces is probably more than sufficient.”
Do not forget about soap and other products for personal hygiene, such as shampoo and shower gel. “It’s important to have soap, it’s important to have water – and if you have those two things, you don’t need hand sanitizer. Having enough laundry detergent so you’re not stuck wearing the same dirty underwear for two weeks is important,” Brown said.