Photo by maeching chaiwongwatthana / Shutterstock

You should never find your motivation in money

There are a lot of people who find their motivation in money alone, but it seems that this desire is not enough – especially when the tasks you have to complete and the path you take are difficult and fluctuate. The truth is that when your expectations are not met, you will be disappointed. 

And when you consider that your work has not been rewarded as it deserved to be you will lose your motivation. In fact, the more money you have, the more money you will want, and you will never feel satisfied. Instead, try to focus on other things that you might eventually get, such as improving your behavior, enriching your knowledge, or developing new skills that will help you in the future.

“Many people think money alone will be enough to motivate them, and whilst that may do so initially, it’s very hard to sustain financial motivation if the work you are doing actually drags. If you do that type of work for long enough you will find that no amount of money is worth swapping parts of your life in activities that aren’t aligned with who you are and what truly is your passion and mission in life,” said Karen Strunks, a motivational trainer, business and life coach, on a Bustle interview.

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