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Keep your bedroom clean

Experts say that people who sleep in a clean bedroom fall asleep faster and wake up rested. According to a 2015 study presented at the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, people at risk of hoarding disorder have trouble sleeping at night. 

“Hoarders typically have problems with decision making and executive function; poor sleep is known to compromise cognition generally, so if hoarders have cluttered/unusable bedrooms (and less comfortable, functional beds), any existing risk for cognitive dysfunction, depression, and stress may increase as sleep quality worsens,” lead author Pamela Thacher, assistant professor of psychology at St. Lawrence University, said in a statement.

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1 thought on “11 Tips for Sleeping Better Tonight, According to Experts”

  1. very good tips and I will follow them. tks Add to your list to avoid using the computer before bedtime and do a few stretches help.

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