Photo by Andrey Bayda / Shutterstock

Don’t skip your breakfast

As you probably know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It helps your metabolism work properly, gives you energy and keeps you feel fuller for longer. People who skip breakfast tend to reduce their daily protein intake and you need this nutrient to maintain your overall health. Your body can’t produce protein by itself, so it needs your help. 

“Eating more protein at breakfast can reduce glucose spikes in the a.m., and those benefits can extend to lunch. Bonus: It also prevents high-sugar snacking in the evening. Swap overly processed cereal for grain-free granola, which is often low in carbohydrates (that become sugar in the body). It also tends to have fiber-rich seeds and nuts, spices, and minimal sugar from unrefined sources such as whole fruits,” explained Spence.


Photo by Dream79 / Envato Elements

Choose healthy snacks

The truth is that everyone likes and needs to eat some snacks when they feel hungry between meals, right? But you have to pay more attention to your nutrition and choose your snacks wisely if you want to be healthier. 

“Choose a lunch high in brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids, which can reverse the effects of fructose. And when you’re hungry between meals, junk foods are twice as distracting than healthy foods. Proactively curb sugar cravings by keeping energy stores full with a healthy midday snack,” said Spence.

“If sweets call, try Greek yogurt with fresh or dried fruit. It’s rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which balance its natural sugar content.”

In addition, it’s important to remember that snacks should be small. Some people opt for baby carrots, apples and other vegetables and fruits as snacks. 

However, don’t forget that “choosing healthy meals is important, but what you do after dinner might impact blood sugar more significantly. A 15-minute post-dinner walk can help regulate blood sugar for up to three hours,” says Spence.

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1 thought on “19 Things Healthy People Do Every Single Day”

  1. Seems like a typo mistake on page 3, in the Exercise regularly section.
    Quoting, “Medical experts recommend regular exercise (at least thirty seconds every day)”.
    Wow, just thirty seconds is all that is needed, amazing news!

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