8. Overboard (2018)
1987s Overboard was part of 80’s comedies, led by Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, who had married four years earlier. It was the kind of movie “known, but that could be improved”, which seemed to have the words “remake me” written everywhere, but the producers of 2018 Overboard remake probably should have ignored that message.
Actually, even in the original, there has always been something a little scary about a beautiful heiress that gets amnesia and then she’s tricked by a carpenter into believing that they are married, although Russell and Hawn overcame this by the power of their pure comic chemistry.
The remake tries to overcome this by changing the main roles, but it doesn’t work. Director Rob Greenberg complicates matters, tearing down the narrative with a serious lack of comedic chronicle. Anna Faris tries to save the mess, but the end result is a movie that is not funny and is not remotely romantic.