Photo by Alex9500 / Envato Elements

Pay attention to your diet

Our diet is one of the most important things and we have to make sure that it is healthy and balanced. If you want to stay healthy, you should have colorful fruits and various vegetables at every meal, because they will provide you with important vitamins, minerals and nutrients, such as vitamin D, zinc, fiber and more. If you have a balanced and healthy diet and eat enough essential nutrients, your body will get all the important nutrients ​​and you won’t have to take other supplements. Except for vitamin D, because this deficiency is very common among people and in this case it is recommended supplementation if your body does not have it. 

“Eighty percent of your immune system is in the gut, so when it’s healthy, we tend to be able to fight off infections faster and better. When it’s not, our immune system is weaker and more susceptible to fighting off infection,” says Yufang Lin, M.D., of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.

You can adopt a Mediterranean diet because this type of diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains fish and other healthy fats. “This eating pattern is high in nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc and other antioxidants shown to help reduce inflammation and fight infection,” she said.

A study published in the journal of Frontiers in Physiology in 2018 suggests that people between the ages of 60 and 80 who adopted a Mediterranean diet and took vitamin D supplements daily were healthier than those who did not follow a balanced diet. 

Moreover, it is recommended to eat plain yogurt every day if you want to stay healthy. “It’s really an easy way to boost your probiotics and help support your microbiome. It helps to support the good bacteria that live in your body, which help to fight bad bacteria or viruses,” says Morgan Katz, an assistant professor of infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins University.

You can eat garlic, onion, ginger, kefir, miso and sauerkraut because they can support the microbiome and try to avoid ultralow carbohydrate diets because your body needs fuel to work. In addition, it is very important to limit meat – especially processed and fried – and fast food! However, do not forget to stay hydrated, so drink plenty of water and reduce alcohol consumption.

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