Try to be aware of your surroundings
As I said at the beginning of this article, anxiety occurs when your brain perceives something as a possible danger, whether we are talking about social situations, phobias, or other things. So, to minimize your panic attacks, it’s important to focus more on your surroundings and realize that you are not in danger.
For example, many people who have a panic attack believe that they are actually having a heart attack or stroke, so their brain emits more danger signals to your body to protect you, so as a result, your body starts to tremble and sweat even more, or start experiencing shortness of breath and so on. But if you try to inhale and exhale more controlled and realize that it is just a panic attack, not an imminent danger, then your body will gradually calm down.
“You need to understand that it is a false alarm. Even though you think you are going insane, you are not — most panic attacks will peter out after two or three minutes,” said Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT, president of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
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