Photo by Deliris / Shutterstock

You could wait many days for test results

Unfortunately, no one who contracted this new virus received rapid test results, some even waited for a week until they found out that they were positive. So, more than that, some people died from this novel virus, and their families found out that they were positive only after they were gone.

“This virus is crazy. Just when you think you are feeling 100 percent, it takes a turn for the worse and hits you with more chills, exhaustion, and fever – all while you’re dealing with an intense cough that makes your chest hurt. It started with my chest feeling tight like I had a cough coming on, and then I came down with a mild fever accompanied by body aches and chills, and extreme exhaustion and a very bad cough,” the Wycoff, New Jersey, mother of two says.

She found out after a week that she had COVID-19.

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