Photo by gpointstudio / Envato Elements

You may think you are fine even if you have the virus

Because the medical system cannot cope with checks and tests, many people think they are fine even though they are infected.

“We don’t have testing in Minnesota. You can only get tested if you are in critical condition in the hospital. So we have an entire population of people who are sick – but not counted,” said Jenny Cotie Kangas, a 33-year-old woman from Apple Valley, Minnesota.

“I’m on day five now, which has been the worst yet. I check my own oxygen stats and record them along with my temperature every day. In the event that I have to go to the hospital, I can share this information with them, but [it also helps me] recognize when my symptoms are changing. The virus is a roller coaster, and it tricks you into thinking you’re better when you aren’t,” she said.

Her ex-husband takes care of their kids now and she said that the isolation and quarantine are the most important things that we have to take into consideration if we want to be safe and protect others as well. “I have family calling to check on me. I have an ex-husband dropping off cooked meals at my door since I’m too weak to cook—and he has my three kids while I’m sick. I’m scared for the people who don’t have that support. Just being on your own for this long is hard, let alone being sick,” she said.

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