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Learn new things 

One of the most important things that you have to take into consideration when it comes to your spiritual and mental health is to do what you love, discover new hobbies and learn new things. 

“Continue to learn new things throughout your life. When you stimulate your brain and keep it active, it continues to work for you. It also increases a sense of having a purpose,” explained health coach, and yoga instructor, Sarah Thacker, LPC. 

Some successful people say that they can’t live without learning new things every single day. Learning new things and having new hobbies can improve your brain functions and mental and spiritual health.


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Opt for natural ingredients

If you want to be healthier, you should include natural ingredients in your daily diet. Don’t forget that nutrition is crucial for improving your overall health. 

According to Ira S. Pastor, CEO of the regenerative medicine company Bioquark Inc, “daily consumption of various common spices (nothing exotic) pose extensive scientific literature supporting human pharmacologic effects. [Try using] cinnamon (for sugar control), turmeric (for inflammation), celery seed (for blood pressure), cardamom (for anti-fibrotic effects), and cloves (for cross-link prevention).”

Health experts say that it’s very important how your food is grown and raised because it can have a major impact on your health and the environment. In general, natural ingredients contain more beneficial nutrients that are good for your health, such as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Besides the fact that organic foods contain fewer pesticides, they are also fresher and more environmentally friendly.


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Try aromatherapy at home

We all need some “me time” from time to time and the best way to relax is to try essential oil therapy. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) aromatherapy is a “therapeutic application or the medicinal use of aromatic substances (essential oils) for holistic healing.”

“For deep sleep and more energy in the morning, put a few drops of lavender essential oil on your temples. It is the best essential oil for relaxation,” added Milana Perepyolkina, an international best-selling author.

Aromatherapy can help you reduce nausea, pain, anxiety, muscular aches, headache, menstrual pain, or alopecia. You can try aromatherapy with a lot of oils, such as lavender, bergamot, black pepper, eucalyptus, lemon, citronella and rosemary.


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Exercise regularly

As you already know, regular exercise is good for your overall health. Medical experts recommend regular exercise (at least thirty minutes every day) if you want to lose a few extra pounds or improve your health. Exercise can help you reduce the risk of heart diseases, such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease and heart attack. 

According to Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of The Magnesium Miracle and 365 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power: Tips, Exercise, Advice, “weight-bearing exercise can help slow bone loss. Putting weight on your bones by walking, running and/or lifting weights stimulates the growth of new bone.”

“Exercise can also help keep joint cartilage healthy. Strong muscles support joints and reduce the load on them. A 2012 [meta-analysis] found that [physical activity] increased the life expectancy of both men and women by [about] 3.7 years each.”


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Focus on cardio

Experts say that cardio is very important in any type of workout, whether you want to lose a few extra pounds, get fit or simply improve your health. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee, “episodes of any length contribute to the health benefits associated with the accumulated volume of physical activity.”

Cardio workouts can help you burn fat, lose extra pounds, sleep better, boost your lung, heart and mental health.

“A 2016 study found the top three types of exercise for longevity were racquet sports (like tennis and racquetball), swimming, and aerobics. Overall, 44 percent of the people met recommended public health exercise levels,” declared Dean.

“Among the people who did 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity each week, people who played racquet sports had a 47 percent lower risk of dying during the nine-year study than people who didn’t exercise. Swimmers had a 28 percent lower risk of death, and those doing aerobics showed a 27 percent lower risk of dying. These were the reductions after the scientists adjusted for factors that might affect early death, like smoking,” he added.


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Get enough magnesium

The human body needs magnesium to work properly and you can get it from your diet. So, if you want to be healthier you should opt for a magnesium-rich diet or supplements. 

People who have magnesium deficiency are more likely to develop certain diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s. 

“The mineral magnesium is a vital energy nutrient which I use and recommend to my patients to keep their energy up and their mental focus throughout the day. Of the 700-800 magnesium-dependent enzymes, the most important enzyme reaction involves the creation of energy by activating adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the fundamental energy storage molecule of the body, which needs magnesium to properly function and will help improve your energy levels,” explains Dean.

“Magnesium is also a muscle and nerve function mineral. Magnesium is vital for proper muscle function and nerve firing and for both exercise and recovery from exercise,” he added.

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1 thought on “19 Things Healthy People Do Every Single Day”

  1. Seems like a typo mistake on page 3, in the Exercise regularly section.
    Quoting, “Medical experts recommend regular exercise (at least thirty seconds every day)”.
    Wow, just thirty seconds is all that is needed, amazing news!

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