You should spend more time with your pets
Did you know that spending some quality time with your pets can help you be happier and more relaxed? According to a 2011 study done by McConnell, A. R., and colleagues, on the benefits of owning a pet, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, pet owners have a better self esteem and felt happier after spending time with their beloved furry friends.
Another study published in the July Journal of Research in Personality shows that even thinking about your pet can make you happier and positive. However, some health experts recommend pet therapies for people who suffer from stress, depression and anxiety. Not to mention that owning a dog as a pet can help you be healthier as well because you should take them for a walk every day, which improves your physical condition.
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You should write down your thoughts
When you feel down, just take a piece of paper and start writing down your thoughts, but don’t focus only on what upsets you, your worries, tasks and so on, so try to mention the things that you are grateful for as well.
When you write down your thoughts, you will understand your situation more clearly, your hidden thoughts come to the surface and you will realize what your blessings and achievements are. Yet, all these things will make you more confident and happy.
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