Did you know that loneliness can be contagious? Well, we have to admit that this is a strange paradox. Loneliness is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. As a general definition, loneliness is a state of solitude, a state of mind. You can feel lonely even though you are surrounded by people. The most common symptoms of loneliness include feeling empty, alone, unwanted, anxious and depressed.
According to a recent study that looked at about 5,000 people and their social interactions, people who usually feel lonely tend to make the people they spend time with feel the same way – the second category of people showed no signs of loneliness until they had to spend time with friends who already felt lonely. In conclusion, loneliness is contagious.
The explanation is that people are like sponges that attract and extract the energies of the people around them. For example, if you are happy because you went to a cool event, but after this experience, you hang out with a sad friend, you tend to minimize your happy mood and will try to comfort your friend, right? During this process, you will charge your mind with negative energy and you will start to feel the same way. In addition, if you want to tell a story and you are excited about it, but your friends don’t share the same emotions with you, then your state will become like theirs, practically your mind copies their state.
However, studies have shown that women are more likely to catch loneliness than men and the main source is their friends, not family.

Peptic ulcers
Peptic ulcers are caused by an infection with bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and other side effects of long term treatments with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium.
That being said, it has been proven that Helicobacter pylori is a contagious bacterium that can be spread through saliva and feces. If you want to prevent this disease, you should wash your hands properly, especially before eating and don’t eat or drink using utensils touched by other people’s mouths.
Just like any other disease, symptoms differ from person to person and they can be mild or severe. The most common signs of peptic ulcers are a burning stomach pain, feeling full, bloating, intolerance of fatty foods, heartburn, diarrhea and nausea. Some people show no symptoms.
2 thoughts on “10 Surprising Things You Won’t Believe Are Contagious”
Super information!!
From page 2: “Their hypothesis is that these diseases coexist with an altered microbiome that exists in your gut, and in general, people spread microbes with the people they cohabitate or interact with. In general, these unhealthy altered microbiomes are responsible for causing the disease in other people.”
I can understand how this could be true. But if my microbiome is healthy and my spouse’s isn’t, the implication is the unhealthy microbiome will be passed to me. Why would the healthy microbiome lose to the unhealthy ones?
If this is true, than it is chilling and the implications are incredible! “… people spread microbes with the people they cohabitate or interact with.” So the people I work with for many hours most of the days in a week can affect my health because they are unhealthy. “Here try the cookies we made”, says the obese, unhealthy guy in your workplace. He’s being nice, right? I have a new and different outlook on things. It all makes sense, we should have known.