Cancer is a type of disease that can be transmitted not only genetically, but also through interaction with certain animals. Studies have shown that Tasmanian devils can spread facial tumors through bites and soft-shelled clams spread cancerous cells through sea water. So, try to limit the interaction between you and animals and choose your pets wisely.

Bad Behavior
The truth is that breaking the rules is a contagious process. Human behavior is a learned behavior. To be more specific, when we are born, we learn all the gestures and how to behave according to our parents or the people who raise us. From the age of seven, we start to copy the behavior of other people in the entourage, such as our school mates, co-workers, friends and so on, and we will learn how to behave in society according to the values instilled by them.
So, if you have been surrounded only by well-meaning people who have managed to follow the rules of society, then you will take over that behavior throughout your life. Unfortunately, if you spend your time with people who break the rules, you tend to do the same in adulthood and not only.
According to a recent experiment, people who have witnessed a negative behavior (they have simply witnessed without taking action), are tempted to engage in deviant behaviors afterward. For instance, if you see me having a dispute with a cashier at the supermarket, you will be more likely to argue with a co-worker later.
2 thoughts on “10 Surprising Things You Won’t Believe Are Contagious”
Super information!!
From page 2: “Their hypothesis is that these diseases coexist with an altered microbiome that exists in your gut, and in general, people spread microbes with the people they cohabitate or interact with. In general, these unhealthy altered microbiomes are responsible for causing the disease in other people.”
I can understand how this could be true. But if my microbiome is healthy and my spouse’s isn’t, the implication is the unhealthy microbiome will be passed to me. Why would the healthy microbiome lose to the unhealthy ones?
If this is true, than it is chilling and the implications are incredible! “… people spread microbes with the people they cohabitate or interact with.” So the people I work with for many hours most of the days in a week can affect my health because they are unhealthy. “Here try the cookies we made”, says the obese, unhealthy guy in your workplace. He’s being nice, right? I have a new and different outlook on things. It all makes sense, we should have known.